Latest Articles
- Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
Interventions delivered during the antenatal period that included a multifaceted package of initiatives appeared to be most likely to be effective at increasing voluntary postpartum contraception. By contrast, interventions with minimal counseling did not appear to be effective.
- Capacity-Building Through Digital Approaches: Evaluating the Feasibility and Effectiveness of eLearning to Introduce Subcutaneous DMPA Self-Injection in Senegal and Uganda
This evaluation of online training for health workers to counsel clients wishing to self-inject subcutaneous DMPA suggests that online training can be effective while saving time and money. Further, eLearning courses work best when complemented with supportive supervision to help health workers correctly apply their knowledge through hands-on practice.
- Development and Piloting of Implementation Strategies to Support Delivery of a Clinical Intervention for Postpartum Hemorrhage in Four sub-Saharan Africa Countries
We describe the systematic approach taken to identify areas of suboptimal postpartum hemorrhage detection and management to develop implementation strategies to support the delivery of the E-MOTIVE intervention in 4 countries.
- Strategic Training Executive Program 2.0: A Leadership and Change Management Program for Health Supply Chains in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
STEP 2.0 is an innovative approach to developing leadership and change management competencies that will enable local supply chain management professionals to contribute to commodity and medicine availability, leading to improved health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
- Promising Practices in Capacity Development for Health Supply Chains in Resource-Constrained Countries
We present 3 country cases with varied objectives to illustrate the potential of innovative, promising practices as potential solutions for strengthening supply chains in low- and middle-income countries.
- Establishment of the First Institution-Based Poison Information Center in Nepal Through a Multilateral International Partnership
Through an innovative local and international partnership model, the first institution-based poison information center in Nepal was established in response to a mandate from the Nepal government, the high burden of toxicological emergencies in Nepal, and the known economic and health benefits of poison information centers.
About Global Health: Science and Practice
Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) is a no-fee, open access, peer-reviewed online journal aimed to improve health practice, especially in low- and middle-income countries. GHSP is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Knowledge SUCCESS (Strengthening Use, Capacity, Collaboration, Exchange, Synthesis, and Sharing) Project.
The journal is published by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and the University of Alberta, School of Public Health. GHSP is editorially independent and does not necessarily represent the views or positions of USAID, the United States Government, the Johns Hopkins University, or other publishing partners.
GHSP publishes all articles under the Creative Commons License 4.0, which allows authors to retain ownership of copyright for their articles and allows anyone without permission to copy, distribute, transmit, and/or adapt articles, so long as the original authors and source are cited. The contents of the articles published are the sole responsibility of the authors of the articles.