Service Integration
- Strengthening Integrated Approaches for Family Planning and Menstrual Health
FP and menstrual health integration has the potential to improve individuals' health and well-being. The authors describe potential ways to integrate FP and menstrual health, outlining steps that stakeholders can take in designing integrated approaches.
- Evaluation of a Depression Intervention in People With HIV and/or TB in Eswatini Primary Care Facilities: Implications for Southern Africa
The authors assessed the feasibility and acceptability of a program integrating basic mental health care into nurse-led HIV and TB care in rural settings in Eswatini and identified key barriers to implementation and scale-up.
- Developing and Testing a Chatbot to Integrate HIV Education Into Family Planning Clinic Waiting Areas in Lusaka, Zambia
In response to the need to integrate HIV prevention content with FP counseling, a chatbot was developed and tested for use among FP clients in clinic waiting areas to leverage the time while they wait to see providers and guide them through a digital conversation on preventing both pregnancy and HIV.
- Evaluation of 2 Intervention Models to Integrate Family Planning Into Worker Health and Livelihood Programs in Egypt: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis
Integrating family planning and reproductive health messages into worker health programs and livelihood programs may offer a unique approach for raising young people's awareness of family planning and reproductive health.
- A Quality Improvement Intervention to Inform Scale-Up of Integrated HIV-TB Services: Lessons Learned From KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Despite being standard of care, gaps in HIV-TB service delivery are present. Quality Improvement methods are effective in uncovering health systems weaknesses that impede efficient delivery of integrated HIV-TB services.
- A Mixed-Methods Process Evaluation: Integrating Depression Treatment Into HIV Care in Malawi
Effectively integrating depression treatment into HIV care in low-resource settings will require substantially investing in program supervision, building and maintaining the capacity of providers, integrating into existing electronic medical records systems, and ensuring the availability of psychotherapy counselors.
- Pathways to Care for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and HIV/AIDS Comorbidities in Soweto, South Africa: An Ethnographic Study
Patients with type 2 diabetes are referred to tertiary hospitals in Soweto although their care could be managed at primary health care clinics. Primary health care needs to be strengthened by addressing health systemic challenges to provide integrated care for comorbid type 2 diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
- District Health Teams’ Readiness to Institutionalize Integrated Community Case Management in the Uganda Local Health Systems: A Repeated Qualitative Study
District health teams failed to transition from partner-supported integrated community case management (iCCM) programs to locally-run and fully-institutionalized programs. Successful iCCM institutionalization requires local ownership with increased coordination among governmental and nongovernmental actors at the national and district levels.
- Evaluating the Implementation of an Intervention to Improve Postpartum Contraception in Tanzania: A Qualitative Study of Provider and Client Perspectives
Training and supervision to improve interpersonal aspects of care, including an emphasis on patient-centered counseling, informed choice, and respectful and nondiscriminatory service delivery, should be integrated into future postpartum family planning initiatives.
- Provider-Initiated Family Planning Within HIV Services in Malawi: Did Policy Make It Into Practice?
Four years after Malawi embraced a policy of provider-initiated family planning (PIFP) within its HIV Clinical Guidelines, this policy remained largely unimplemented at the health facility level. Strengthening PIFP in Malawi’s public and private health facilities will require targeted and comprehensive systems changes.