Primary Health Care
- Service Delivery Redesign for Noncommunicable Disease Management: Assessment of Needs and Solutions Through a Co-Creation Process in Argentina
Our research highlights the potential for Argentina’s primary care system to initiate transformative, system-level changes to improve health outcomes. We propose an innovative methodological assessment and co-design for improving primary care.
- National Politics’ Role in Developing Primary Health Care Policy for Maternal Health in Papua New Guinea: A Qualitative Document Analysis
This article examines the factors and mechanisms that influenced the development of the free primary health care policy for maternal health in Papua New Guinea.
- How Can Community Data Be Leveraged to Advance Primary Health Care? A Scoping Review of Community-Based Health Information Systems
Community-based health information systems (CBISs) play a critical role in generating and using community data to better understand community health needs; however, CBIS data are not effectively being integrated into routine national/subnational health information systems, limiting the scope of its use.
- Collaboration in a Partnership for Primary Health Care: A Case Study From Papua New Guinea
Four key factors that influence collaboration in a public-private partnership (PPP) are relationships, time, governance, and the impact of change. Incorporating these factors into PPP design and implementation in similar settings can increase coordinated action and improvements in primary health care.
- Improving Program Outcomes Through Responsive Feedback: A Case Study of a Leadership Development Academy in Nigeria
The National Primary Health Care Development Agency in Nigeria used a responsive feedback mechanism to successfully establish a leadership development academy for building core leadership, management, and basic functional skills among its staff.
- Calculating the Costs of Implementing Integrated Packages of Community Health Services: Methods, Experiences, and Results From 6 sub-Saharan African Countries
Authors of this article calculated the costs of implementing community health programs and compared the results across 6 sub-Saharan African countries, providing evidence for helping governments plan for sufficient resources for their effective implementation.
- Improving Primary Care Quality Through Supportive Supervision and Mentoring: Lessons From the African Health Initiative in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mozambique
Systematic approaches to positioning technical support, enhancing systems, and promoting sustainment are crucial to strengthening supportive supervision and mentoring in primary health care systems. The African Health Initiative projects in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mozambique have lessons to share from such experiences that stakeholders can apply to similar efforts in other countries.
- Calculating the Cost and Financing Needs of the Basic Package of Health Services in Afghanistan: Methods, Experiences, and Results
We present a methodology for calculating the funds necessary to provide primary health care services and apply it to the Basic Package of Health Services in Afghanistan.
- Pathways to Care for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and HIV/AIDS Comorbidities in Soweto, South Africa: An Ethnographic Study
Patients with type 2 diabetes are referred to tertiary hospitals in Soweto although their care could be managed at primary health care clinics. Primary health care needs to be strengthened by addressing health systemic challenges to provide integrated care for comorbid type 2 diabetes and HIV/AIDS.
- Learnings From a Pilot Study to Strengthen Primary Health Care Services: The Community-Clinic-Centered Health Service Model in Barishal District, Bangladesh
The community-clinic-centered health service model piloted in Bangladesh strengthened community and local government engagement, harmonized the work of different community health worker cadres, and improved client satisfaction. The approach has the potential to strengthen the delivery of close-to-community primary health care services and accelerate progress toward achieving universal health coverage.