- Integration of Acute Malnutrition Treatment Into Integrated Community Case Management in Three Districts in Southern Mali: An Economic Evaluation
Supportive supervision of health centers and community health workers providing treatment for acute malnutrition comes at significant costs but is needed to achieve good health outcomes. The most cost-effective way of delivering this treatment requires further research.
- Institutionalizing Innovation: From Pilot to Scale for Co-Packaged Oral Rehydration Salts and Zinc—A Case Study in Zambia
A multisector partnership developed a locally contextualized and owned holistic approach to project design and implementation; this process provided a strong learning platform to take a novel yet simple lifesaving health product from trial to sustainable scale-up.
- Strengthening the Diagnosis and Treatment of Malnutrition Through Increased Nurse Involvement: A Quality Improvement Project From Pediatric Wards in Mozambique
This study shows how increased nurse engagement combined with quality improvement methods may lead to important accomplishments in diagnosing and caring for malnourished children in pediatric wards in Mozambique.
- Improving Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation Among Pregnant Women: An Implementation Science Approach in East-Central Uganda
An implementation science approach helped successfully identify and address key bottlenecks to the availability of iron and folic acid supplementation for pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics in East-Central Uganda.
- Determinants of Maternal Diet Quality in Winter in the Kyrgyz Republic
Contrary to cultural dietary preferences, mothers in the Kyrgyz Republic maintained minimum diet diversity during winter through access to markets and by growing, preserving, and storing foods.
- A Community-Led Central Kitchen Model for School Feeding Programs in the Philippines: Learnings for Multisectoral Action for Health
A central kitchen model for implementing a school feeding program in the Philippines increased demand for local health interventions, empowered civil society, and held local governments accountable for multisectoral action in a decentralized government.
- Changes in Child Undernutrition and Overweight in India From 2006 to 2021: An Ecological Analysis of 36 States
India has historically displayed high levels of child stunting and low levels of child overweight. Despite improvements in human development indicators between 2006 and 2021, population-level reductions in child stunting have slowed and child overweight is rising faster than predicted by human development indicators.
- Formative Research to Inform Market-Based Interventions to Increase Egg Purchase and Consumption in Tigray, Ethiopia
We aimed to understand and address barriers and enablers related to market access, purchase, and consumption of animal source foods by children aged 6–23 months and to inform subsequent market-based interventions.
- A Review of Vitamin A Supplementation in South Sudan: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for the Way Forward
Although South Sudan's vitamin A supplementation program has demonstrated success, vitamin A supplementation remains a critical public health need for young children. How can South Sudan best maintain high vitamin A supplementation coverage for the short to medium term while planning a more sustainable delivery approach for the longer term?
- Addressing the Global Influence of Unethical Formula Marketing
Projects that seek to address Code implementation need to understand the current landscape of corporate marketing activities in the government and health care settings and mobilize stakeholders from the government to the community when implementing these projects.