Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- Findings and Lessons Learned From Strengthening the Provision of Voluntary Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives With Postabortion Care in Guinea
Integrating voluntary long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) methods within postabortion care (PAC) in Guinea has increased LARC uptake among PAC clients, compared with non-PAC clients. With aid from government champions and leveraging of resources, Guinea has incorporated PAC into national policies and guidelines and trained providers on PAC and LARCs to expand service provision.
- Are Procured Quantities of Implants Adequate and Appropriate? Modeling Procurement, Inventory, and Consumption of Contraceptive Implants During Rapid Uptake
Recent rapid increases in implant procurement have not resulted in system overstocks to date. We found no standard factor for relating inventory quantities to consumption rates. Rather, that relationship requires specific understanding of the country supply chain, inventory control parameters, and current and future demand.
- Efficacy of a Digital Health Tool on Contraceptive Ideation and Use in Nigeria: Results of a Cluster-Randomized Control Trial
A mobile digital health tool piloted in Kaduna City, Nigeria, was efficacious in promoting positive contraceptive attitudes and encouraging women to adopt a modern contraceptive method, thus showing potential for reducing unmet need in Nigeria.
- Adding a Question About Method Switching to the Method Information Index Is a Better Predictor of Contraceptive Continuation
Adding the question “Were you told about the possibility of switching to another method if the method you selected was not suitable?” to the Method Information Index (MII) was associated with better contraceptive continuation. This MIIplus variable includes another domain of quality of care, and thus better reflects voluntary contraceptive use and continuation.
- Planning for Outcomes (P4O) Modeling Tool: Estimating the Impact of Changing the Proportion of Injectable Progestins in the Contraceptive Method Mix
The interactive deterministic online modeling tool P4O allows users to estimate how changing the proportion of injectable progestins in the contraceptive method mix might affect HIV and maternal and child health outcomes. With careful consideration for women's individual choices, policy makers and program planners may use country-specific results to help inform programming and policy decisions.
- The Extent to Which Performance-Based Financing Programs' Operations Manuals Reflect Rights-Based Principles: Implications for Family Planning Services
Rights principles should be prioritized and more clearly stated in performance-based financing (PBF) guidance and operational documents. Additional research, including development of validated measurement metrics, is needed to help PBF programs systematically align with rights-based approaches to health care including family planning.
- Rapid Integration of Zika Virus Prevention Within Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Beyond: Programmatic Lessons From Latin America and the Caribbean
During the 2015–16 Zika virus outbreak, IPPF member association providers reached clients and affected populations faster by integrating critical information and services within existing sexual and reproductive health platforms. Challenges included: (1) communicating rapidly evolving evidence to providers; (2) overcoming restrictive social norms on gender and sexuality and a related lack of public messaging on preventing sexual transmission; and (3) addressing disability stigma and breaching service gaps to support children and caregivers affected by congenital Zika syndrome.
- Leveraging a Partnership to Disseminate and Implement What Works in Family Planning and Reproductive Health: The Implementing Best Practices (IBP) Initiative
The IBP initiative, a WHO-based partnership of NGOs, civil society organizations, governments, academic institutions, and other implementing partners, promotes evidence-based global guidelines, tools, and other interventions for local application, and incorporates implementation experience and learning back into the global discourse.
- Association Between the Quality of Contraceptive Counseling and Method Continuation: Findings From a Prospective Cohort Study in Social Franchise Clinics in Pakistan and Uganda
Higher scores on the 3-question Method Information Index (MII)—measuring client-reported receipt of contraceptive information—was associated with continued use of family planning over 12 months. We recommend incorporating use of the MII in routine assessments of family planning service quality.