Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- Using the 5C Vaccine Hesitancy Framework to Elucidate and Measure Contraceptive Acceptability in sub-Saharan Africa
We draw lessons from immunization research by assessing the applicability of the 5C framework of vaccine hesitancy to contraceptive acceptability in sub-Saharan Africa.
- No Matter When or Where: Addressing the Need for Continuous Family Planning Services During Shocks and Stressors
Global progress on meeting family planning needs is threatened by worsening, intersecting crises. We call on global, national, and local partners to strengthen emergency preparedness to facilitate continuous family planning services, no matter when or where they are needed, to support sexual and reproductive health.
- Recognizing and Addressing the Contraceptive Hesitancy-Acceptability Continuum: Adopting Lessons Learned From the Immunization Field
We propose a new framework that builds from vaccine hesitancy concepts and findings for the family planning community to better conceptualize, measure, and address the major drivers of contraceptive hesitancy and acceptability.
- Accelerating Progress in Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Decision-Making: Trends in 32 Low- and Middle-Income Countries and Future Perspectives
This study highlights significant country and subnational variations in the progress of achieving universal sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, demonstrating the urgent need for targeted, culturally informed interventions to empower women globally and close persistent gaps in reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
- Advocating for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Central Asia
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in Central Asia face challenges due to the current sociopolitical context, and there is a pressing need for legal and policy reforms to align with the International Conference on Population and Development agenda.
- Can the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action and Cairo Consensus Normalize the Discourse on Population?
The International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action and its Cairo Consensus can help ensure that policy responses uphold human rights and gender equality, thereby serving as the singular global reference that could bring opposing voices in the population debate together.
- FP2020 and FP2030 Country Commitments: A Mixed Method Study of Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Components
While FP2030 commitments better articulate strategies and activities to reach adolescents and youth with family planning (FP) information and services compared to FP2020 commitments, gaps remain. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, countries should continue to invest in creating and funding comprehensive FP commitments that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents and youth.
- Antenatal Care Interventions to Increase Contraceptive Use Following Birth in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis
Interventions delivered during the antenatal period that included a multifaceted package of initiatives appeared to be most likely to be effective at increasing voluntary postpartum contraception. By contrast, interventions with minimal counseling did not appear to be effective.
- Documenting the Provision of Emergency Contraceptive Pills Through Youth-Serving Delivery Channels: Exploratory Mixed Methods Research on Malawi’s Emergency Contraception Strategy
Emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) uptake may increase for young people, first-time users, and those living in rural areas of Malawi by offering the method through public, youth-serving channels, especially youth clubs and community health workers. A national strategy focused specifically on this product can help grow ECP demand; however, the supply chain for ECPs must be strengthened to meet the additional demand.
- Promoting Male Involvement in Family Planning: Insights From the No-Scalpel Vasectomy Program of Davao City, Philippines
The no-scalpel vasectomy program in Davao City, Philippines, serves as a promising model for engaging men in family planning and addressing gender disparities in such initiatives.