- Breaking Specialty Silos: Improving Global Child Health Through Essential Surgical Care
Children’s health care providers and children’s surgery providers can partner to improve children’s health by developing the surgical workforce, focusing on “best buy” surgeries, integrating children’s surgery into national plans, streamlining data collection and research, and leveraging financing.
- National Surgical, Obstetric, and Anesthesia Plans Supporting the Vision of Universal Health Coverage
Developing a national surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia plan is an important first step for countries to strengthen their surgical systems and improve surgical care. Barriers to successful implementation of these plans include data collection, scalability, and financing, yet surgical system strengthening efforts are gaining momentum in achieving universal access to emergency and essential surgical care.
- A Resource Planning Analysis of District Hospital Surgical Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
District hospitals in the DRC, on average, could not provide 21% of lifesaving surgical interventions due to deficiencies in basic infrastructure and essential surgical equipment and supplies. Surgery's important health impact and proportionally low service delivery budget argue for greater emphasis on surgical interventions, including for obstetric care.