Noncommunicable Diseases
- Service Delivery Redesign for Noncommunicable Disease Management: Assessment of Needs and Solutions Through a Co-Creation Process in Argentina
Our research highlights the potential for Argentina’s primary care system to initiate transformative, system-level changes to improve health outcomes. We propose an innovative methodological assessment and co-design for improving primary care.
- Establishment of the First Institution-Based Poison Information Center in Nepal Through a Multilateral International Partnership
Through an innovative local and international partnership model, the first institution-based poison information center in Nepal was established in response to a mandate from the Nepal government, the high burden of toxicological emergencies in Nepal, and the known economic and health benefits of poison information centers.
- Design and Implementation of Brief Interventions to Address Noncommunicable Diseases in Uzbekistan
Large-scale implementation of brief interventions to address behavioral risk factors of noncommunicable diseases in primary care health settings in Uzbekistan is limited by a lack of human resources, a supportive system, and clear incentives for clinicians.
- Implementation of School Nutrition Policies to Address Noncommunicable Diseases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
School nutrition policies are a promising approach to address the risk factors of noncommunicable diseases, but their large-scale implementation requires clear guidelines for coordination among various actors.
- Lessons From the Design and Rollout of an Electronic Medical Record System for Cervical Cancer Screening in Rwanda
We describe the process of designing, building, and implementing a cervical cancer electronic medical record system in Rwanda, highlighting experiences and lessons learned throughout this process.
- The Thai Health Promotion Foundation: Two Decades of Joint Contributions to Addressing Noncommunicable Diseases and Creating Healthy Populations
Globally, the current investment in preventive care is inadequate and ineffective for addressing noncommunicable diseases and their causes. The Thai Health Promotion Foundation, with its sustainable funding from 2% levies on tobacco and alcohol, together with partners, has been used to address noncommunicable diseases effectively.
- Implementation and Cost Analysis of a Novel Silicosis Case-Finding Program For Mine Workers in Rural Rwanda
Implementing occupational lung disease case-finding in resource-limited settings is clinically and economically feasible and can be integrated into routine noncommunicable disease case-finding.
- A Scoping Review of Footwear Worn by People With Diabetes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Implications for Ulcer Prevention Programs
New approaches to reducing the massive burden of diabetic foot ulceration are needed for low- and middle-income country settings, where current international guidelines may not be practical.
- Carpe DM: The First Global Diabetes Targets
The authors discuss the newly adopted global diabetes targets and their potential role in driving funding, advocacy, research, and clinical care to reduce the massive global disparities in access to quality diabetes care.
- Does the Current Global Health Agenda Lack Vision?
Given increasing rates of visual impairment worldwide, we call on national health plans and global development agencies to urgently focus funding and resources toward vision and eye health, with an emphasis on data collection surrounding new and changing burden of eye disease.