Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) depends on our reviewers to help us assess the quality and importance of submitted manuscripts. We greatly value the expert evaluation of GHSP reviewers.
Anonymized Peer Review
GHSP uses double-anonymized peer review, meaning that the identities of both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other.
Manuscripts Sent for Peer Review
- Original Articles and Systematic Reviews/Meta-analyses and similar article types will be sent to at least 3 peer reviewers.
- Commentaries and Viewpoints will be sent to at least 2 peer reviewers.
Reviewer Invitation Process
GHSP will email peer reviewers to invite them to review a manuscript. The email will generally include an abstract of the manuscript and ask you to accept or reject the review invitation.
If you accept the review invitation, you will be taken to our manuscript submission and review platform (Editorial Manager), where you will be able view the entire manuscript by clicking on “View Submission” under the “Action” options.
Becoming a Peer Reviewer
To volunteer to be a peer reviewer, please send your resume/CV to our Editorial Office at
Role of Peer Reviewers
We ask peer reviewers to recommend acceptance–either with or without revision or resubmission–or rejection of manuscripts. In the case of discordant reviews, the Editorial Office may seek review by an additional expert. Our Editors-in-Chief will consider reviewers’ comments and will make the final decision to accept or reject a manuscript.
All manuscripts are confidential documents. If you want to discuss a manuscript that you are reviewing with a colleague, please email the Editorial Office first at
Submitting Your Review
Before writing your review, it may be helpful for you to review our Instructions for Authors to understand what GHSP is looking for.
The main criteria on which we ask reviewers to assess manuscripts include:
- Importance and relevance of the topic
- Originality of the work that adds value to the existing body of knowledge
- Substance
- Sound study (or program) design and methodology (or implementation)
- Sound use of evidence
- Compelling conclusions that are actionable and based on the evidence presented
- Presentation and clarity of writing
We ask you to submit your peer review comments through our Editorial Manager site. From the manuscript record, you will click on “Submit Recommendation” under the “Action” options. You will then be presented with a peer review form that includes the following elements:
1. Your Recommendation: From the drop-down menu, select whether your recommendation is to:
- Accept (as is or with minor revisions)
- Conditional acceptance (if authors appropriately address significant but fairly straightforward revisions)
- Consider accepting (if authors make significant revisions, such as to address important conceptual issues or additional analyses; editors may choose to have the revision re-reviewed)
- Reject
2. Review Questions: Please take the time to submit your ratings to the criteria mentioned above and consider these criteria in making your recommendation.
3. Reviewer Anonymized Comments to Author: Please use this space to provide comments to the authors to help them improve the manuscript, for example, line-by-line comments on the manuscript or broader, big-picture issues for the authors to consider.
4. Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor: You will have the opportunity to provide confidential comments to the Editors that the author will not see. We encourage you to use this space to provide your candid comments to the Editors to help them make a decision on the manuscript.
Timeliness of Reviews
We generally ask that reviewers submit their comments within 3 weeks of accepting the reviewer invitation. If you foresee needing more time, please contact the Editorial Office at
Feedback from Reviewers to Editorial Office
We welcome feedback from our reviewers, either on a particular manuscript, a decision made on a manuscript, or the peer review process. Please send emails to: