Providers Scoring at Least 80% on OSCE on Essential Skills for Providing Quality Care on the Day of Birth

N=188 Providers at 16 Project Sites


No. (%)

Immediately Post-Training,

No. (%)

6 Months Post-Training,

No. (%)

12 Months Post-Training,

No. (%)

Module 1: Care for mothers and newborns on the day of birth
Support for normal labor and birth2 (1.1)152 (83.1)135 (77.1)142 (84.5)
Manual removal of placenta1 (0.5)152 (83.1)151 (86.3)155 (92.3)
Newborn resuscitation0 (0.0)147 (80.3)99 (56.6)126 (75.0)
Module 2: Immediate postpartum family planning counseling and clinical skills
Postpartum intrauterine device insertion0 (0.0)133 (74.7)137 (83.5)121 (79.1)
Contraceptive implant insertion (single rod)2 (1.1)157 (88.2)138 (84.7)138 (90.2)
Module 3: Postabortion care
Treatment of incomplete abortion with manual vacuum aspiration3 (1.6)150 (82.4)133 (78.7)135 (87.7)
  • Abbreviation: OSCE, objective structured clinical examination.