On-Site Competency-Based Training Module Content for Capacity-Building and Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve Day-of-Birth Care

Module 1:

Care for mothers and newborns around the day of birth

  • Support for normal labor and birth (respectful maternity care, infection prevention, use of partograph, active management of the third stage of labor, immediate newborn care, postnatal care)

  • Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage

  • Treatment of severe pre-eclampsia/eclampsia with magnesium sulfate

  • Newborn resuscitation

  • Consistent recordkeeping, use of data for decision-making and quality monitoring

Module 2:

Immediate postpartum FP counseling and clinical skills

  • FP counseling in the antenatal and postpartum periods on all methods available for immediate postpartum use

  • Clinical skills for postpartum FP provision, including side effect management and removal (of intrauterine devices and implants)

  • Youth-friendly FP services for postpartum and postabortion clients

Module 3:

Postabortion care

  • Treatment of incomplete abortion using manual vacuum aspiration and misoprostol

  • Postabortion FP counseling

  • Clinical skills for postabortion FP provision, including side effect management and removal

  • Identification and/or referral for additional reproductive health services

  • Youth-friendly postabortion care services

Module 4:

Management of the low birthweight newborn and management of newborn sepsis

  • Recall of newborn danger signs and their management

  • Basic management of low birthweight newborns, including kangaroo mother care

  • Antibiotic regimens for women with infection and newborns with possible severe bacterial infections

  • How to establish and manage kangaroo mother care units

Cross-cutting elements addressed in all modules and clinical practice
  • Respectful maternity care

  • Infection prevention and control

  • Clinical decision-making

  • Consistent recordkeeping, use of data for decision-making and quality monitoring using dashboards

  • Abbreviations: FP, family planning.