Improvements in Client Outcomes After Capacity-Building and Quality Improvement Interventions

Client Outcomes, N=550
Fresh StillbirthEarly Neonatal DeathImmediate PPFP UptakePostpartum Hemorrhage
IRRaP Value95% CIIRRaP Value95% CIIRRaP Value95% CIIRRaP Value95% CI
Level change due to intervention0.41.050.17, 1.010.91<.0010.87, 0.961.72<.0011.53, 1.921.01.830.96, 1.05
Pre-intervention slope0.99.800.88, 1.101.07<.0011.06, 1.071.36<.0011.31, 1.401.00.361.00, 1.01
Post-intervention slope1.08.190.96, 1.210.94<.0010.93, 0.940.77<.0010.74, 0.791.00.380.99, 1.00
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IRR, incidence rate ratio; PPFP, postpartum family planning.

  • a Adjusted for size and type of facility, phases of program implementation.