Electronic Management of Immunization Data System Gap Analysis

Baseline FindingsGap Identified
Electronic Management of Immunization Data Mobile Application
Data synchronization issues and missing data on EMID application.Existence of a proxy server between the EMID mobile application and DHIS2 server created an extra layer therefore slowing down the synchronization process and impairing the functionality of the EMID application.
SMS functionality for online registration was not functioning.
Hard-coded components of EMID system were out of date.Existing hard code did not allow modification and integration of new features.
Poor user interface and experience.Functionality of the database was not conducive to a productive workflow and users became frustrated with the system.
Updates on the PubReg were carried out on directly on the database.This made updating the platform difficult and time consuming.
PubReg was enabled to only perform single registration for individual vaccinations.There was no option for users to create bulk/group vaccination registrations to cater for multiple registrations by corporate organizations.
No user account interface.Client information and/or vaccination schedules could not be edited/changed once registered on the platform.
PubReg and verification portals were maintained as separate platforms.The existence of these parallel systems resulted in data duplication.
Verification Portal
Updates on the verification portal were carried out on the backend.Updating the platform is difficult and time-consuming.
Low level of security.There was a need to better authenticate accounts.
  • Abbreviations: EMID, Electronic Management of Immunization Data; PubReg, Public Registration; SMS, short message service.