Adolescent Girls' Feedback on What They Learned at Binti Shupavu

Feedback ItemNo. (%)
I believe using a method to prevent or avoid getting an unintended pregnancy is important to help me achieve my goals for life.
Agree or strongly agree94 (99)
Disagree or disagree strongly1 (1)
What were the most useful things that you learned during this visit today?a
    How to delay and space pregnancies67 (71)
    Identifying my goals and that of my family58 (62)
    Other health issues31 (33)
    How to plan to achieve my goals and that of my family29 (31)
    Other20 (22)
    Self confidence11 (12)
    How to talk to my husband/partner about goals for our family8 (9)
    Menstrual health2 (3)
  • a Multiple responses possible. Results total more than 100%.