Additional Indicators Recommended for High-Burden Countries

CHAT Core Indicator NameaCHAT Recommended DefinitionCountry Data SourceCountry Comparable Estimates?SDG Indicator?EWEC GS Indicator?
New HIV infectionsEstimated number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population at risk of HIV infectionNational and other surveys, facility dataUNAIDS (annual)3.3.1Yes
TB incidenceNumber of new and recurrent (relapse) episodes of TB (all forms) occurring in a given yearCountry notifications, prevalence studiesWHO Global TB Programme (annual)3.3.2Yes
Thalassemia prevalenceBirth prevalence of thalassemiaCountry notifications (birth defect registries), prevalence studiesEstimates from WHO, IHME, and othersNoNo
Use of insecticide treated bed-nets in children under-5 years% children ages 0–59 months who slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net the night prior to the surveyNational and other surveysNoNoYes
Malaria diagnostics in children under-5 yearsProportion of children aged 0–59 months with fever in the last 2 weeks who had a finger or heel stick testNational and other surveys, facility dataNoNoNo
Malaria treatment - first-line treatment for children under-5 years% febrile children aged younger than 5 years receiving first-line antimalarial drug, among those receiving any antimalarial drugNational and other surveys, facility dataNoNoNo
  • Abbreviations: CHAT, Child Health Accountability Tracking; EWEC GS, Every Woman Every Child Global Strategy; IHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation; SDG, Sustainable Development Goal; UNAIDS, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS; WHO, World Health Organization.

  • a For all indicators, data or estimates are used by national governments and international agencies.