Marketing Elements for a 4-Month Injectable

Positioning statementThe 4-month injection gives women the power and convenience to prevent unplanned pregnancy while they pursue their dreams.The 4-month injection supports women in taking full charge of the prevention of unplanned pregnancies, by offering them flexibility and peace of mind in a package that they can choose to use safely and easily, anytime and anywhere.
Brand pillars
  • Method can be self-administered, which can ensure privacy particularly for those who face stigma accessing family planning.

  • The shorter grace period of 1 week is perceived as indicating quicker return to fertility.

  • Method can be self-administered anytime, anywhere.

  • Fewer visits to health facilities.

  • Requires less administrative action in comparison to daily pills and shorter term injectables.

Ease of use
  • Easy to self-administer compared to other products in the market.

  • Easy to store safely, use, and dispose.

  • Guaranteed duration of effectiveness for 4 months.

Brand promiseThe method will bring women no shame; it will foster excellence by giving women time and opportunity to grow and succeed at their plans, as well as giving them the flexibility to change their plans when they want to.Contraception for the woman who wants full control.
Brand personality
  • The method needs to have an inclusive, aspirational, and creative personality.

  • The tone of the communication of the method should convey ambition and offer a sense of confidence and ability to reach new heights.

  • The style of the communication should portray real women from all parts of Uganda choosing the 4-month method in different seasons of life, such as university student at the start of the semester, home assistant starting a new job in the city, and a woman exploring a new relationship.

  • Stay calm, there's no need to panic anymore.

  • You hold the key - you decide.

  • Focus on your dreams.

  • Explore your options.

  • Take your time, at your pace.

The following emotions should be associated with users of the method:
  • Happy and calm because they are less worried when having sex.

  • Hopeful due to availability of a solution to prevent unplanned pregnancies.

  • Afforded more flexibility (reduced visits to facility) and additional flexibility for those who preferred self-administration.

The tone should be:
  • Friendly: relatable with a touch of humor.

  • Uplifting: inspiring, affirmative, and supportive of women.

  • Confident: open and proactively informative about the product.