Key Performance Indicators Captured to Monitor Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Intervention Performance Post-Design in Kenya

IndicatorDefinitionData Source
Girls reachedThe number of girls aged 10–19 years who attend Binti Shupavu activities.Intervention activity tools
New contraceptive usersThe number of girls aged 10–19 years who are new to the facility and take up a modern contraceptive method after a Binti Shupavu event. Among new users, data are disaggregated by age and by method.Health management information system
Continuing contraceptive usersThe number of girls aged 10–19 years who have already received a method from this facility and who receive a refill/reinsertion or a new method after a Binti Shupavu event.Health management information system
Conversion rateThe proportion of girls attending Binti Shupavu activities adopting a modern method after a Binti Shupavu event, less the continuing contraceptive users.Intervention activity tools