Self-Care Illustrative Questions by Theme

ThemeIllustrative QuestionCountry
Acceptability“What social norms and practices influence/affect self-care uptake in the general population and among sub-groups?”Uganda
“What is the level of acceptability of self-care at the community level?”Côte d'Ivoire
“What are strategies to mitigate negative messaging around self-care, particularly amongst adolescents and young women?”Mozambique
“How best can males be involved in FP self-care interventions, both as partners of eventual users and users of male-controlled self-care methods?”Uganda
Delivery“What do providers need to support a self-care agenda?”Mozambique
“What are effective practices for monitoring self-care users to minimize risk of infection?”Niger
“What are the enabling factors and barriers for [adolescents and youth] seeking and providing self-care services?”Nepal
Supportive environment“How can policies and guidelines support implementation of self-care, as defined by WHO, in Malawi?”Malawi
“How ready is the health system to integrate self-care?”