Adolescents/Youth Illustrative Questions by Theme

ThemeIllustrative questionCountry
Role of gatekeepers“What interventions can empower parents to guide young people on matters of sexuality?”Uganda
“How can the behavior change interventions targeted for key influencers (parents, in-laws, gatekeepers, siblings, etc.) increase the utilization of AYSRH services?”Nepal
“What are effective strategies for engaging gatekeepers (parents, chiefs, religious leaders) in promoting access to FP for youth?”Malawi
FP information“What are the information needs of young people in terms of reproductive health and family planning?”Niger
“What strategies are most effective in increasing youth’s knowledge and attitudes toward FP?”Malawi
Agency and decision-making“What motivates young people to seek FP and RH services from the private sector as opposed to the public sector?”Uganda
“What are effective strategies to increase privacy & confidentiality for youth seeking FP?”Malawi
Service delivery“What are the reasons/causes of variations in the costs of FP services offered to young people between different health facilities?”Côte d'Ivoire
“How to adapt services so they are easily accessible to young people in Niger?”Niger
“Is there a difference in the utilization of FP/RH services in schools with adolescent-friendly information corners versus those without?”Nepal
  • Abbreviations: AYSRH, adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health; FP, family planning; RH, reproductive health.