High Impact Practices Illustrative Questions by Theme

ThemeIllustrative QuestionCountry
Service delivery“What is the quality of FP care offered during outreaches?”Uganda
“What factors influence the systematic provision of immediate postpartum FP by providers?”Côte d’Ivoire
“How might the supply chain system be adapted to overcome stock issues and improve access to women’s preferred FP methods?”Mozambique
“What are the needs in terms of equipment and supplies in private health facilities to offer comprehensive FP services?”Niger
Social and behavior change“How effective is couples counseling in Mozambique? What are alternative effective and scalable ways to create demand for FP for male partners?”Mozambique
“How would men like to be engaged in FP? How do their female partners define ‘successful male engagement’?”Malawi
Country leadership and coordination“How can we improve alignment and coordination between FP service delivery and demand creation interventions?”Malawi
“What are the innovative approaches to increasing budget allocation to FP programs and reduce over-reliance on donors?”Uganda
Costing“What is the cost effectiveness of community-based distribution?”Côte d’Ivoire
“How to mobilize domestic resources to finance services and ensure the supply of contraceptive products in the absence of a financial partner?”Niger