Total Economic Costs of LINKAGES Program per Type of Input at the IP/DIC Level, FY2019a

InputsKenya Total Costs, US$ (%)Malawi Total Costs, US$ (%)
Clinical supplies1,644,707 (41)262,096 (15)
Staff1,142,154 (28)1,058,690 (61)
Peer workers447,426 (11)183,757 (11)
Transportation66,466 (2)6,957 (0)b
Other recurrent625,826 (16)166,637 (10)
Equipment26,341 (1)16,937 (1)
Training61,026 (2)40,333 (2)
Total IP/DIC (%)c4,013,947 (100)1,735,407 (100)
  • Abbreviations: DIC, drop-in center; FY, fiscal year; IP, implementing partner; LINKAGES, Linkages across the Continuum of HIV Services for Key Populations Affected by HIV; US$, U.S. dollars.

  • a U.S. Government fiscal year from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019.

  • b Amount equal to 0.4%.

  • c Numbers may not add up due to rounding.