Proposed Operational Framework for Catalyzing KMC Uptake Along the Health Facility to Community Continuum Based on Study Findings in Karnataka, India

CommunityHealth FacilityCommunity
Antenatal carePregnancy + childbirth + hospitalization of the low birth weight babyContinuation of KMC for 4–6 weeks at home
CHWs’ RoleaHCWs’ RoleCHWs’ Role
  • Educate and counsel mothers and the community on KMC and exclusive breastfeeding

  • Inform about need for childbirth at a health facility

  • Identify peer mothers as KMC champions

  • Identify potential foster KMC providers

  • Support mothers at antenatal visits on KMC

  • Ensure support from all HCWs, including peer mothers and foster KMC providers, for mothers to initiate and maintain KMC

  • Recognize HCWs who promote KMC as champions

  • Ensure foster KMC providers are identified and that they begin supervised KMC provision at the health facility before discharge

  • Reinforce information on KMC through home visits after discharge daily for a week; find ways to enhance KMC duration

  • Encourage foster KMC providers to provide skin-to-skin contact or assist with household chores

  • Ensure mothers monitor babies during KMC

  • Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker; HCW, health care worker; KMC, kangaroo mother care.

  • aExtrapolated from this study’s findings.