Knowledge and Skills Assessments for Nurses Participating in Manyata in Jharkhand, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh States, India

Total Nurses, No.Average Prescore/ Max Score (%)95% CIAverage Postscore/Max Score (%)95% CI
Knowledge assessment
 Knowledge test scoresa9126.3/20 (31.5)6.1, 6.513.2/20 (66.0)12.9, 13.4
OSCE assessment
 Overalla8788.0/46 (17.4)7.6, 8.334.3/46 (74.6)34.1, 34.6
(passed=8 or higher)
8881.5/10 (15.0)1.4, 1.79.1/10 (91.0b)9.1, 9.2
 Antenatal complications
(passed=6 or higher)
8821.3/8 (16.3)1.2, 1.46.1/8 (76.3b)6.0, 6.3
 Newborn resuscitation
(passed=12 or higher)
8901.4/16 (8.8)1.3, 1.510.5/16 (65.6c)10.4, 10.6
 Postnatal complications
(passed=9 or higher)
8803.8/12 (31.7)3.6, 4.08.5/12 (70.8c)8.4, 8.7
  • Abbreviations: AMSTL, active management of third stage of labor; CI, confidence interval; OSCE, objective structured clinical examinations.

  • a Passing score not specified.

  • b Average postscore was above the “passing” level (>75%).

  • cAverage postscore was below the “passing” level (<75%).