Differences Between the Linear Research Translation Model and the Cocreation Model Used by the Philippine Department of Health in the Health Workforce Planning Process

Knowledge-to-Action CycleLinear Research TranslationCocreation
Initiation of processPolicy makers open call for proposals; researchers submit a bidResearchers approach policy makers
Areas for collaborationPolicy makers set the agenda; researchers align with the agendaResearchers and policy makers explore topics of mutual interest
Institutional partnering arrangementPolicy makers contract the researchers OR researchers secure a grant and later involve the policymakersResearchers and policy makers pool resources (e.g., share the same workspace) and formalize the partnership (e.g., through a memorandum of agreement)
Policy or research questionsEither the researchers OR the policy makers formulate the questionsResearchers and policy makers formulate the questions together
Methodology or approachResearchers determine the methodologyResearchers propose the methodology in consultation with policy makers
Data access and collectionResearchers collect the dataResearchers and policy makers engage partners in government to secure access to data and perform data collection together
Analysis of informationResearchers perform the analysisResearchers lead the analysis while policy makers are oriented about the approaches
Policy implicationsPolicy makers receive the report from researchers who make policy recommendationsResearchers and policy makers interpret the findings together; other stakeholders are consulted
Moving to actionPolicy makers implement the strategies/policiesPolicy makers and researchers hold dialogues with other stakeholders on strategies/policies, including the roles for each