Manyata Clinical Standards for Maternity Care in India

Standard No.Manyata Clinical Standards
Antenatal care
 1Provider screens for key clinical conditions that may lead to complications during pregnancy (to be verified only among booked cases).
At admission
 2Provider prepares for safe care during delivery (to be checked every day).
 3Provider assesses all pregnant women at admission.
 4Provider conducts pelvic examination appropriately.
 5Provider monitors the progress of labor appropriately.
 6Provider ensures respectful and supportive care.
At delivery
 7Provider assists the pregnant woman to have a safe and clean birth.
 8Provider conducts a rapid initial assessment and performs immediate newborn care (if baby cried immediately).
 9Provider performs active management of third stage of labor.
 10Provider identifies and manages postpartum hemorrhage.
 11Provider identifies and manages severe preeclampsia/eclampsia.
 12Provider performs newborn resuscitation if baby does not cry immediately after birth.
 13Provider ensures care of newborn with small size at birth.
Beyond delivery
 14Facility adheres to universal infection prevention protocols.
 15Provider ensures adequate postpartum care package is offered to the mother and baby at discharge.
Cesarean standard
 16Provider reviews clinical practices related to cesarean delivery at regular intervals.