Clinical and Behavioral Characteristics of Adults Living With HIV in Heterosexual Relationships in Rural Uganda

CharacteristicSample Size, No. (%) (N=230)Intervention, No. (%)
Control, No. (%)
P Value
Partner HIV status.049
 Negative38 (16.5)12 (10.7)26 (22.0)
 Positive8 (3.5)3 (2.7)5 (4.2)
 Do not know184 (80.0)97 (86.6)87 (73.7)
Duration on ART.001
 <6 months55 (23.9)38 (33.9)17 (14.4)
 6 months–1 year31 (13.5)10 (8.9)21 (17.8)
 >1 year144 (62.6)64 (57.1)80 (67.8)
Condom use.191
 No130 (56.5)68 (60.7)62 (52.5)
 Sometimes83 (36.1)39 (34.8)44 (37.3)
 Always17 (7.4)5 (4.5)12 (10.2)
Person disclosed to before study entry.050
 None39 (17.0)24 (21.4)15 (12.3)
 Friend21 (9.1)6 (5.4)15 (12.7)
 Relative170 (73.9)82 (73.2)88 (74.6)
Place of HIV diagnosis0.033
 ANC clinic59 (25.7)32 (28.6)27 (22.9)
 VCT clinic149 (64.8)75 (67.0)74 (62.7)
 Other22 (9.6)5 (4.5)17 (14.4)
Membership in HIV/AIDS association0.127
 No217 (94.3)103 (92.0)114 (96.6)
 Yes13 (5.7)9 (8.0)4 (3.4)
Prior receipt of disclosure counseling.004
 No48 (20.9)27 (24.1)21 (17.8)
 Always37 (16.1)8 (7.1)29 (24.6)
 Only at testing75 (32.6)42 (37.5)33 (28.0)
 Sometimes70 (30.4)35 (31.3)35 (29.7)
Negative attitude toward other people getting to know one’s HIV status.005
 No110 (47.8)43 (38.4)67 (56.8)
 Yes120 (52.2)69 (61.6)51 (43.2)
Feeling responsibility to disclose.140
 No22 (9.6)14 (12.5)8 (6.8)
 Yes208 (90.4)98 (87.5)110 (93.2)
Ever had a chance(s) to disclose
 No166 (72.2)93 (83.0)73 (61.9)<.001
 Yes64 (27.8)19 (17.0)45 (38.0)
  • Abbreviation: ANC, antenatal care; ART, antiretroviral therapy; VCT, voluntary counseling and testing.