Participant Characteristics and Counseling Received at Implant and IUD Insertion in 3 Districts of Senegala


Completed Phone Survey


Eligible for In-person Survey


Completed In-person Survey


Completed Phone Survey


Eligible for In-person Survey


Completed In-person Survey


Age, years, mean (SD)31.2 (6.8)29.8 (6.2)30.0 (6.4)36.2 (7.3)35.6 (8.0)36.2 (7.7)
Marital status, %
Parity, mean (SD)2.6 (1.7)2.3 (1.5)2.4 (1.6)3.3 (1.7)3.2 (1.7)3.3 (1.7)
Highest education, %
 Secondary school16.718.018.115.317.616.9
 Higher than secondary school14.515.014.822.722.017.5
Religion, %    
Wealth quintilesb, %  
Months since method inserted, mean (SD)29.4 (6.4)30.5 (6.4)30.7 (6.4)29.5 (6.2)29.8 (5.6)29.5 (5.6)
Implant type, %    
Contraceptive use history, %    
 Previous use of current method22.518.919.419.618.520.0
 Previous use of any modern method75.976.477.690.193.294.4
Partner knowledge of current method at time of insertion86.386.987.082.483.484.4
Told at insertion that removal can be obtained any time92.994.193.696.297.197.5
Told at insertion where removal can be obtained
 Insertion place only, %55.555.156.255.657.160.0
 Place other than insertion place0.
 Insertion place and another place27.028.325.324.825.921.9
 Not told about any place15.414.716.717.814.615.0
 Not sure1.
  • Abbreviations: IUD, intrauterine device; N/A, not applicable; SD, standard deviation.

  • a Data are from phone survey participants. Nonresponses varied across items; small amounts of data are missing.

  • b Relative wealth was measured using the EquityTool ( The national version of the EquityTool compares participants to the national population.