Utilization of Delivery, PNC, and Maternal Health Care Service Among Women Having Child 12–23 Months, Ethiopia Baseline Survey, 2020

No. (%)95% CI
Preterm births43 (1.4)1.0, 1.9
Delivery (n=2967)
 Delivered at health facility2,249 (75.8)74.2, 77.3
 Delivered at home or in community718 (24.2)22.7, 25.8
Skilled birth attendance2,248 (75.8)74.2, 77.3
Cesarean delivery271 (9.1)8.1, 10.2
Payment for delivery service447 (15.1)13.8, 16.4
Type of provider for delivery service
 Doctor424 (14.3)
 Health officer160 (5.4)
 Nurse/midwife1,809 (61.0)
 TBA198 (6.7)
 Health extension23 (0.8)
 Relative593 (20.0)
 Others34 (1.2)
 Unknown268 (9.0)
PNC service from a skilled health provider2,094 (70.6)68.9, 72.2
Facing maternal complication333 (11.2)10.1, 12.4
Overall maternal service coverage composite indicator
 Mean71.069.9, 72.1
 Below mean1,139 (38.4)36.6, 40.2
 Above mean1,828 (61.6)59.8, 63.3
  • Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; PNC, postnatal care; TBA, traditional birth attendant.