Local Market Egg Retailer’s Adherence to Implementing the TIPs to Increase Consumer Egg Consumption, Tigray, Ethiopiaa

PracticeNo. Retailers Who Tried TIP (N=10)No. of Market Days ImplementedSeller Feedback
3 Days2 Days1 Day
Creating and using improved packaging42 sellers2 sellersTwo sellers made new packaging devices and were somewhat interested in continuing but did not feel loss to breakage during transport and/or storage was a barrier.
Offering a slight discount to bulk purchases44 sellersSellers were willing to try different methods but found consumers confused by discounted eggs.
Selling hardboiled eggs64 sellers2 sellersConsumers were not interested in buying hardboiled eggs for their children.
Selling oil-coated eggs65 sellers1 sellerSellers were interested and pleased with the results. They saw the potential of extending shelf life to sell eggs when prices were higher but also found this practice time consuming and too labor intensive.
  • Abbreviation: TIPs, trials of improved practices.

  • a There is a difference in numbers between those sellers who initially agreed to try the practice and those who actually followed through.