Contraceptive Use Dynamics Among Outbound Survey Participants,a by Country

Malawi, %(N=1,694)Nepal, %(N=1,468)Niger, %(N=458)Uganda, %(N=1,504)
Pre-pandemic contraceptive use
 Pre-pandemic contraceptive use, including traditional methods78.457.446.566.4
 Pre-pandemic modern contraceptive use75.054.740.459.8
 Pre-pandemic modern method mixbn=1,271n=803n=185n=900
  Emergency contraception2.
  SDM/cycle beads or LAM0.
 Pre-pandemic source of supplycn=1,268n=800n=182n=887
  Public sector facility83.576.665.965.5
  Private sector facility8.615.815.420.3
  Community health worker or outreach event6.73.311.08.0
  Pharmacy, chemical, or drug shop1.
  Ordered on a website, app, or phone0.
Current contraceptive use
 Current contraceptive use, including traditional methods58.150.749.653.9
 Current modern contraceptive use58.
 Current modern method mixdn=982n=708n=193n=734
  Emergency contraception4.
  SDM/cycle beads or LAM3.
 Current source of supplyen=622n=573n=159n=592
  Public sector facility77.874.562.366.2
  Private sector facility10.514.815.121.8
  Community health worker or outreach event9.83.512.66.1
  Pharmacy, chemical, or drug shop1.
  Ordered on a website, app, or phone0.
 Main reason for choosing current source of supplyen=622n=573n=159n=592
  Family planning services closed elsewhere87.526.929.621.6
  Preferred method unavailable elsewhere11.723.928.918.8
  Afraid of getting COVID-19 elsewhere0.325.118.945.8
  Family would not allow going elsewhere due to COVID-
  Government restrictions0.
Changes in contraceptive use
 Change in modern contraceptive statusn=1,694n=1,468n=458n=1,504
  Consistent user50.040.123.439.6
  Consistent nonuser17.037.240.831.0
 Change in contraceptive methodsfn=847n=589n=107n=596
  Less effective method18.211.230.816.6
  Method as effective77.174.561.777.3
  More effective method4.714.37.56.0
  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; EC, emergency contraception; IUD, intrauterine device; LAM, lactational amenorrhea method; SDM, standard days method.

  • a Outbound survey participants include (1) nonpregnant women using nonpermanent, modern contraception and (2) nonpregnant women who do not want to get pregnant within the next two years and are not using modern contraception. Due to study design, in this table, modern methods refer to nonpermanent, modern contraceptive methods including implants, IUDs, injectables, pills, emergency contraception, condoms, SDM, and LAM.

  • b Among pre-pandemic modern method users.

  • c Among pre-pandemic users of modern contraception other than LAM.

  • d Among current users of modern, nonpermanent contraception (implants, IUDs, injectables,, pills, EC, condoms, SDM, or LAM).

  • e Among current users of modern contraception other than LAM who obtained/resupplied during COVID-19.

  • f Among consistent users of modern contraception.