Characteristics, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancies Among 3-2-1 Survey Participants

Malawi, %(N=4,936)Nepal, %(N=6,776)Niger, %(N=2,602)Uganda, %(N=7,378)
Age, years
Current pregnancy and contraceptive use statusa
 Nonpermanent modern method37.529.418.128.9
 Traditional method0.
 Permanent or any other method0.
 Nonuser not wanting to get pregnant within 2 years27.429.421.930.3
 Nonuser wanting to get pregnant within 2 years9.512.011.711.7
Pregnancies by pregnancy intentionbn=1,245n=1,731n=996n=1,812
 Mistimed, not COVID-19-related5.
 Unplanned, not COVID-19-related5.
 Mistimed, COVID-19-related23.820.917.728.4
 Unplanned, COVID-19-related15.
COVID-19-related unintended pregnanciesc77.687.174.280.2
Main reason for COVID-19-related unintended pregnanciesdn=491n=466n=305n=796
 Family planning services closed22.412.925.819.8
 Preferred method unavailable77.687.174.280.2
 Afraid of getting COVID-
 Family would not allow going to get a method due to COVID-1918.127.614.820.7
 Government restrictions1.
 Other family planning access reason4.
 Other reason not related to accessing contraception34.033.540.744.3
  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; IUD, intrauterine contraceptive device; LAM, lactational amenorrhea method; SDM, standard days method.

  • a Nonpermanent modern methods include implants, IUD, injectables, pills, emergency contraception, condoms, SDM, and LAM. Traditional methods include withdrawal, rhythm method, or folk methods like herbs.

  • b Among pregnant women.

  • c Among pregnant women with an unplanned or mistimed pregnancy.

  • d Among pregnant women with an unplanned or mistimed pregnancy who reported that COVID-19 affected their ability to avoid or delay pregnancy.