CHWs in Bangladesh Who Reported Undertaking These Activities Beforea and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

 FWA, % (n=204)HA, % (n=166)Total, % (N=370)P Value
Home-based services for family planning10092.711.511.460.356.2.38
Home-based visits for infectious disease prevention and management53.441.799.498.874.167.3.08
Home-based care for postpartum women and newborns99.593.644.644.474.971.6.38
Mental health counseling91.281.375.372.977.373.2.26
Immunizations for children78.971.510099.484.177.6.04
Nutrition supplementation97.689.299.497.588.484.1.11
Make referrals to a health facility98.590.210099.498.492.9.001
Discuss safe drinking water and/or handwashing99.59810010099.194.3.001
Counseling and direct primary health service10092.610099.410098.9.09
  • Abbreviations: CHW, community health worker; COVID-19, coronavirus disease; FWA, family welfare assistant; HA, health assistant.

  • a Before=before March 2020; during=March 2020 to November 2020.