Key Outcome Measures and Associated Data Sources

OutcomeMeasuresData Source
Unintended pregnancyProportion of pregnant women reporting that their pregnancy was planned at a later time (mistimed) or not planned at all (unplanned)3-2-1 survey
Contribution of COVID-19 pandemic to unintended pregnancyProportion of women with an unintended pregnancy who responded “yes” when asked if the COVID-19 pandemic and the coronavirus social restrictions had affected their ability to avoid or delay getting pregnant3-2-1 survey
Pre-pandemic modern contraceptive useProportion of women who reported they were using an implant, IUD, injectables, pills, emergency contraception, condoms, Standard Days Method, or Lactational Amenorrhea Method when the COVID-19 restrictions began in March 2020 (Malawi, Niger, Uganda) or April/May 2020 (Nepal)Outbound survey
Current modern contraceptive useProportion of women who reported they were using an implant, IUD, injectables, pills, emergency contraception, condoms, Standard Days Method, or Lactational Amenorrhea Method at the time of the survey3-2-1 survey
Method choiceProportion of current modern method users who said “yes” when asked if their current method was the method that they wanted to use. The question was only asked of current method users who were using a short-term method (injectables, pills, emergency contraception, condoms, Standard Days Method, or Lactational Amenorrhea Method) and current LARC users who said their method had been inserted after the COVID-19 restrictions began in March 2020 (Malawi, Niger, Uganda) or April/May 2020 (Nepal)Outbound survey
Barriers to useProportion of nonusers of modern contraception who said “yes” when asked if they had wanted to obtain a method since the COVID-19 restrictions began in March 2020 (Malawi, Niger, Uganda) or April/May 2020 (Nepal) and who said “yes” when asked if they had tried to obtain a methodOutbound survey
  • Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; IUD, intrauterine contraceptive device; LARC, long-acting reversible contraception.