TABLE 2. Three Most and Least Important Attributes of a Potential Longer-Acting Injectable, by Participant Type and Countrya
AttributesMost ImportantLeast Important
Potential UsersProvidersPolicy MakersPotential UsersProvidersPolicy Makers
99% effective121211
Safe for BF and new mothers312
Immediate return to fertility22322
Storage without refrigeration13
Prepackaged, single dose, disposable322
Cost around US$4/year322213
Side effects no worse than current methods33323
Suitable for all women33333
6-month duration with 1-month window3223
Can be administered in arm331311
Can be provided by CBD1121
  • Abbreviations: BF, breastfeeding; CBD, community-based distribution.

  • a In Kenya, rankings are among 10 groups of potential users, 15 providers, and 12 policy makers. In Rwanda, rankings are among 9 groups of potential users, 12 providers, and 7 policy makers.