Reduction in the Number of Data Elements Collected in India National HMIS and UP-HMIS Formatsa by Facility Types, 2014–2019

HMIS Data ElementsUP-HMIS Data Elements
SectionHealth Domains and Subdomains20142017b20172019c
AHuman resources001020
BTraining1 03916
CAvailability of RMNCH+Ad drugs, supplies, and equipment as per 5X5 matrix02711332
DPerformance indicator     
 D.1Hospital and laboratory services40751926
 D.2Maternal/newborn health42545943
 D.3Maternal complication528448
 D.4Newborn complication013624
 D.5Child immunization385100
 D.5Child health9142912
 D.6Family planning1825280
 D.7Adolescent and reproductive health060c0
 D.8JSSKe and grievance redressal001616
 D.9NVBDCP and RNTCP31500
EDeath detailsLine listing4100
FProcess indicator and ASHA grievance redressal00435
GHome-based newborn care001919
HVillage health and nutrition days/community process0216
INational program (blindness)600 0
JOther (Janani Suraksha Yojana and urban health) 0 03
  • Abbreviations: ASHA, accredited social health activist; GOUP, Government of Uttar Pradesh; HMIS, health management information system; NVBDCP, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme; RMNCH+A, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health; RNTCP, Revised National TB Control Programme; UP, Uttar Pradesh; UP-HMIS, Uttar Pradesh Health Management Information System; UP-TSU, Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit.

  • aSource: UP-TSU analyses of HMIS and UP-HMIS.

  • bIn 2017, the Government of India updated the national HMIS facility-wise formats as per feedback received from the states.

  • cA data rationalization activity of UP-HMIS elements was conducted during June–September 2019 to remove several elements not used for decision making and to add new programs at the state and national levels. In UP-HMIS, there are rows with zero data elements because these data are captured in HMIS and then integrated in UPHMIS portal for data review. The UP-HMIS numbers are additional data elements beyond what is found in the HMIS.

  • dRMNCH+A standards.

  • eJanani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) covers the delivery costs, including for cesarean delivery, for all pregnant women delivering in public health facilities.