Eligible Participants | Total Participants Targeted, No. | Training Attendees, No. (%) | |
State | Program managers, directors, assistant research officers, monitoring & evaluation specialists | 73 | 65 (89) |
Division | Additional directors | 48 | 48 (93) |
District | Chief medical officers, chief medical superintendent, assistant chief medical officers, assistant research officers, district program managers, HMIS operator | 225 | 233 (104) |
Block | Block program managers, block assistant research officers, HMIS operator | 2,616 | 2,431(93) |
Subcenter | Auxiliary nurse midwives, nurse supervisors |
18,028b | 15,738 (87) |
Total | 20,990 | 18,515 (88) |
Abbreviations: HMIS, health management information system; UP-HMIS, Uttar Pradesh Health Management Information System.
↵aSource: Participant attendance sheet.
↵bOnly 1 auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM) per subcenter was targeted for the training (if more than 1 ANM was on staff). For all other positions, everyone was invited to participate in the trainings.