TABLE 1. Composition of Focus Group Discussions Among Potential Users of a Longer-Acting Injectable, by Country
FGD NumberLocationFacility TypeExperience With Injectable UseNo. of ParticipantsMean Age (Range)
1UrbanPublic health centerCurrent and past users1028.1 (21–38)
2UrbanPublic health centerNever users836.7 (18–45)
3Peri-urbanPublic hospitalCurrent and past users1127.7 (21–37)
4Peri-urbanPublic health centerCurrent and past users825.2 (20–32)
5UrbanNGO health centerCurrent and past users1031.0 (23–40)
6UrbanNGO health centerCurrent and past users829.4 (25–37)
7UrbanNGO health centerNever users930.3 (23–36)
8Peri-urbanPublic health centerCurrent and past users1029.9 (22–40)
9Peri-urbanPublic health centerCurrent and past users1129.4 (25–38)
10Peri-urbanPublic hospitalNever users831.6 (20–42)
1RuralPublic CBDCurrent, past, and never users1032.4 (24–50)
2RuralPublic health centerCurrent and past users730.7 (26–39)
3Peri-urbanPublic health centerNever users1328.0 (20–39)
4UrbanPublic hospitalNever and past users1128.4 (21–37)
5RuralPublic CBDCurrent users837.7 (28–44)
6RuralPublic health centerCurrent and past users931.3 (21–40)
7RuralPublic CBDCurrent and past users934.8 (21–44)
8UrbanPublic hospitalCurrent users728.6 (22–35)
9UrbanNGO health centerCurrent, past, and never users1031.9 (25–44)
  • Abbreviation: CBD, community-based distribution.