TABLE 1. Facts About Levonorgestrel-Based Emergency Contraception
Dose and regimen1.5 mg taken at one time, within 120 hours of unprotected sex, is the best approach.
Mechanism of actionPreventing/delaying/disrupting ovulation.
Possibly thickening cervical mucus.
Does not prevent implantation based on best evidence.
Does not disrupt established pregnancy.
Effectiveness52%–94% reduction in what risk of pregnancy would have been; better if taken sooner after unprotected sex.
Medical eligibilityShould not be taken if the woman has a confirmed pregnancy (because no need to take), although best evidence indicates it would not harm fetus.
Otherwise, no medical restrictions, including age.
Side effectsMinimal and not harmful (for example, possible mild nausea, menstrual changes).
Repeat useRegular repeat use not recommended because of relatively poor effectiveness over time and possible side effects such as menstrual irregularity. However, repeat use poses no known health risks.
  • Adapted from the World Health Organization.5