Indicative VAS Coverage Trends From 11 NID Rounds Between 2014 and 2020, South Sudan

StateNo. NID Rounds ≥ 80%No. NID Rounds ≥ 70%No. NID Rounds ≥ 60%No. NID Rounds < 60%
Central Equatoria6892
Eastern Equatoria5774
Jonglei0347 (3 with no distribution)
Northern Bahr el Ghazal88101 with no distribution
Unity2238 (4 with no distribution)
Upper Nile00110 (5 with no distribution)
Western Bahr el Ghazal8892 (1 with no distribution)
Western Equatoria6892 with no distribution
  • Abbreviations: NID, national immunization day; VAS, vitamin A supplementation.

  • a Data source: summary coverage reports of NID tally sheet data from 2014–2020.