Sample Issues and Solutions Applied During iDARE Implementation to Improve Viral Load Suppression Among Children Active in Care, Nagongera Health Center and Mulanda Health Center, Uganda

IssueSolution TestedFacilitySuccessful/Not Successful
Lack of support from parentsCase-by-case basis: One community linkage facilitator and the pastor (influencers) encourage parent(s) to bring children to the facility for their appointments, ensure they have food to take with medication (see below), and provide transport (if they are unable to come, they send the child with a responsible person or organize transport). See children and adolescents on Thursdays at the facility.NagongeraSuccessful
Staying with elderly (such as grandparents)Community linkage facilitator (also the identified community influencer on iDARE team) takes medication to child at home; pastor (influencer) also conducts home visits with these children. Pastor organizes transport (when needed) to the facility for their appointments.NagongeraSuccessful
Lack of foodReligious leader, identified in both areas as a community influencer and recruited for iDARE team, designated to lead support for the children. The religious leader has done outreach and lobbies community members during designated Sunday church services to contribute food for the children.NagongeraSuccessful
MulandaNot successful