Cost of Providing Hepatitis B and C Screening to Mahama Refugee Camp, Rwanda

QuantityUnit Cost, US$Total, US$
Administration and Overheada12,042.21
Screening Staff
    Clinical staff40b646.9551,756.17
    Community health worker40c3.263,652.17
    Security guard3c3.26273.91
Supplies and materials
    HBV rapid diagnostic tests27,1921.1029,911.20
    HCV rapid diagnostic tests27,1921.1029,911.20
    Laboratory request form28,4940.03774.29
    Alcohol swabs25,894<0.01225.17
    Blood lancet35,420<0.01308.00
    Cotton rolls (500 mg)171.5225.87
    EDTA tube1,6790.0591.25
    Waste bags2800.65182.61
    Dust bins1041.85418.48
    Safety boxes583.04176.52
    Cooler boxes225.0050.00
Viral load testingd21,445.65
Launch materials3,550.00
Data collection tabletsf558.46
Total cost of program177,336.60
Total cost per person screened6.69
Total cost per case detected136.11
  • Abbreviations: HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; EDTA, ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid.

  • a Cost of administration and overhead was estimated by allocating annual gross of salaries of infectious disease team members proportionally to the total number of days each permanent staff member dedicated to managing this project.

  • b 2 months' duration.

  • c 28 days' duration.

  • d In Rwanda, the unit cost of each viral load test is US$16.30 (15,000 RWF). Some additional incentives were provided to laboratory technicians at the hospital to compensate them for additional labor during the campaign.

  • e Annualized cost of a vehicle assumes a purchase price of US$76,086.95, an annual discount rate of 0.1, and a useful lifespan of 15 years.

  • f Annualized cost of tablet assumes a purchase price of US$350, an annual discount rate of 0.1, and a useful lifespan of 2 years.