Participants in Qualitative Study on Examining Masculinity and Male Gender Norms Related to Intimate Partner Violence in Rakai, Uganda (N=111)

No. (%)
In-depth interviews (n=38)
Age range of male community members, years
 15–178 (21.1)
 18–2411 (28.9)
 25–4910 (26.3)
Age range of male local leader
 25–499 (23.7)
Focus group discussions (9 focus groups; n=73)
Age range of male community member, years
 15–17: 2 boys groups21 (28.8)
 18–24: 2 young men groups20 (27.4)
 25–49: 1 adult men group8 (11.0)
Key informant
 RHSP counselors and health educators: 2 mixed gender groups11 (15.1)
 Male local leaders: 2 male-only groupsa13 (17.8)
  • a The age of local leader FGD participants ranged from 25 to 67.