Family Planning Outcomes of Clients Who Had Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Method Successfully Removed, Nampula and Sofala Provinces, Mozambique, December 2018–May 2019

Nampula (n=302)Sofala (n=371)Total (N=673)
No. (%)No. (%)No. (%)
Family planning counseling provision
 Not counseled46 (15.2)142 (38.3)188 (27.9)
 Counseled only16 (5.3)36 (9.7)52 (7.7)
 Counseled and chose a method141 (46.7)92 (24.8)233 (34.6)
 Counseled and referred for a method2 (0.7)1 (0.3)3 (0.4)
 Counseled and refused a method97 (32.1)100 (27.0)197 (29.3)
Method uptake by client
 Long-acting reversible contraceptive (continuers)18 (12.8)21 (22.8)39 (16.7)
 Short-acting reversible contraceptive (switchers)116 (82.3)71 (77.2)187 (80.3)
 Tubal ligation (switchers)7 (5.0)0 (0)7 (3.0)