DiD Estimates of Factory Workers' Exposure to FP and Their FP Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors in Port Said, Egypt

PercentageaDiD Results
GroupBaselineEndlinePercentage Point EstimateAdjusted Percentage Point Estimateb
Exposure outcomes
Heard, read, or seen anything about FP in the last 6 months
Has heard of Ma3looma website
Knowledge outcomes
Ever heard of an FP method
Knows 3 modern FP methods
Knows FP method that prevents sexually transmitted infections
Attitudinal outcomes
Disagrees with: “FP methods can affect female fertility and may reflect negatively on future pregnancies”
Willing to use FP in the future (among individuals not currently using an FP method)d
Behavioral outcomes (among married individuals who are not currently pregnant/whose wives are not currently pregnant)
Currently using FPe
  • Abbreviations: DiD, Difference-in-Differences; FP, family planning.

  • a Sample sizes at baseline were n=1,145 for the intervention group and n=621 for the comparison group. Sample sizes at endline were n=813 for the intervention group and n=426 for the comparison group.

  • b Adjusted for age, residence, gender, education, employment, marital status, and number of children.

  • c P≤.05.

  • d Sample sizes at baseline were n=896 for the intervention group and n=521 for the comparison group. Sample sizes at endline were n=564 for the intervention group and n=343 for the comparison group.

  • e Sample sizes at baseline were n=398 for the intervention group and n=168 for the comparison group. Sample sizes at endline were n=356 for the intervention group and n=121 for the comparison group.