No. (%), N=3,169 | |
Sex | |
Male | 1,768 (55.8) |
Female | 1,401 (44.2) |
Child age, months | |
6–23 | 1,387 (43.7) |
24–59 | 1,782 (56.2) |
Ecological zone | |
Mountain | 389 (12.3) |
Hill | 1,790 (56.5) |
Terai | 990 (31.2) |
Type of residence | |
Urban | 1,588 (50.1) |
Rural | 1,581 (49.9) |
Caste/ethnicity | |
Socially excluded | 1,571 (49.6) |
Brahmin/Chhetri | 1,247 (39.3) |
Others | 351 (11.1) |
Equity quintile | |
Lowest | 681 (21.5) |
2nd lowest | 906 (28.6) |
Middle | 745 (23.5) |
2nd highest | 638 (20.1) |
Highest | 199 (6.3) |
Mother's education level | |
Never attended school | 693 (21.8) |
Some primary school | 439 (13.8) |
Completed grade 5 | 243 (7.7) |
Some secondary education | 1,051 (33.2) |
Completed secondary education | 392 (12.4) |
Completed class 12 | 289 (9.1) |
Higher education | 62 (1.9) |
Prevalence of food insecurity | |
Food secure | 2,135 (67.4) |
Mildly food insecure | 497 (15.7) |
Moderately food insecure | 465 (14.7) |
Severely food insecure | 71 (2.2) |
WHZ | |
SAM (<−3 SD) | 65 (2.1) |
MAM <−2 SD to ≥−3 SD) | 269 (8.5) |
Normal (>−2 SD) | 2,835 (89.4) |
MUAC | |
SAM (<115 mm) | 12 (0.4) |
MAM (≥115 mm to <125 mm) | 87 (2.7) |
Normal (>125 mm) | 3070 (96.9) |
Stunting | |
Stunted | 888 (28) |
Not stunted (Normal) | 2,279 (72) |
Abbreviations: MAM, moderate acute malnutrition; MUAC, mid-upper arm circumference; SAM, severe acute malnutrition; SD, standard deviation; WHZ, weight-for-height/length z-score.