Table 5. Multivariate Stepwise Logistic Regression Analysis of Variables Associated With Family Planning Client Satisfaction
VariableOdds Ratios of Being “Very Satisfied” With the Visit
Model 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5
Age categoriesa1.
Educational attainment categoriesb1.3*
Adherence to counseling protocolc1.2**1.1
Use of counseling materialsd1.7***1.6***
No. of observations461461352352352
  • Each successive model reflects the addition of a new variable in the regression analysis to test which variables remain statistically associated with client satisfaction as each new variable is added.

  • * P<.05; **P <.01; ***P <.001

  • a Age categories: 18–20 years, 21–30 years, 31–40 years, 41–49 years.

  • b Educational attainment categories: Basic or lower, secondary, intermediate diploma, university or higher.

  • c Number of counseling protocol steps followed according to the client's recollection.

  • d Number of materials used during counseling according to the client's recollection.