Completion of RPRH Mandates Listed in RPRH Implementing Rules and Regulations (2017 Revision) by Subsectiona

DoneDoingNot Done
DOH Governance: Guidelines
4.01 Service Delivery
4.04 Informed Choice
4.08 Care for GBV Survivors
4.12, 4.13 Policies on Life-Saving Drugs in Maternal Emergencies
5.07 FP Services at Establishments/Enterprises
5.08 Mapping Service Delivery Network (SDN) Facilities
5.22, 5.23 Exempting Private Providers
6.01, 6.03-6.05 Contracting and Training Health Professionals
8.03 Procurement of FP
10.10 LGU Awards/ Recognition
14.01 Maternal, Fetal, and Infant Death Reviews (M/FIDR)
5.07 FP Services at Establishments/Enterprises
5.11 Match Populations to Facilities in the SDN
5.14 Assistance to LGUs for Mobile Health Care Services (MHCS) Vehicles
5.17 Identification of Facilities for Upgrading
5.19 Support to LGUs
5.27 Training Counselors of Adolescents
6.06 Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) Curriculum
6.07, 6.08 Training Barangay (Community) Health Workers
10.02 Health Promotion Plan
12.01 except section h DOH duties
5.13 Standards of MHCS
5.18, 5.20 M&E for LGU Fund Utilization and SDN
6.02 Determine number of Skilled Health Professionals
10.06 M&E for New Health Promotion Plans
DOH Governance: Non-Guidelines
5.09, 5.10 Mapping Health Facilities and Priority Populations in the SDN
8.02 Budget to Procure FP
9.03, 9.04 Funds for Health Facilities and Public Awareness
6.10 Technical Assistance to Engage Private Providers in LGUs
14.07 M/FIDR Panel
15.03 Streamline Reporting
8.07, 8.10 Monitoring System for Procurement
12.01-h RH Bureau in DOH
DOH Service Delivery
4.11 Life-Saving Drugs in Maternal Care Emergencies
4.15 Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations
5.21 Assist Private FP Services
7.02, 8.01, 8.08 FP Logistics
13.02 RPRH in Anti-Poverty
15.01 Reporting Requirements
4.05-4.07 Access to FP (including minors)
4.09 PWD-RH Programs
4.10 Responding to Unmet Need
5.02, 5.05 RH Care in SDN
5.12 MHCS
6.09 SBCC Materials
10.01 Health Promotion
Other Implementers
5.10 Identify Priority Populations in the SDN (DSWD)
12.03, 12.04 Duties (DSWD)
7.04, 7.05, 7.08, 7.12 RH Product Certification (FDA)
7.06 Harmonize Standards (FDA)
9.06-9.08 Financing RH (PhilHealth)
10.07, 12.04 CSO Participation (Cross-Cutting)
11.02 Curriculum Development (DepEd)
5.03, 5.15, 5.16, 8.09, 10.05 Service Delivery (LGUs)
5.07 FP Services at Establishments/Enterprises (Department of Labor and Employment)
9.01, 9.02 Appropriations (Cross-Cutting)
10.04 NGAs Assist DOH
10.08, 10.09 Health Promo in NGAs’ Programs (Cross-Cutting)
9.05 Funding for RPRH Education (PRC/CHED/TESDA/DepEd)
11.01, 11.05, 11.06 Provision of RPRH Education (DepEd)
4.14 Integrate RH in Health Professional Curriculum (PRC/CHED/TESDA)
6.11-6.13 Pro-Bono Services Requirements (PhilHealth)
7.07 Guidelines for FP Product Requirements (FDA)
7.09, 7.10 Post-Marketing Surveillance Unit (FDA)
11.04 Training Educators (DepEd)
  • Abbreviations: CHED, Commission on Higher Education; CSO, civil society organization; DepEd, Department of Education; DOH, Department of Health; DSDW, Department of Social Welfare and Development; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; FP, family planning; GBV, gender-based violence; LGU, local government unit; M&E, monitoring and evaluation; NGA, national government agency; PhilHealth, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation; PRC, Professional Regulation Commission; PWD, persons with disabilities; RH, reproductive health; RPRH, Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health; SBCC, social and behavior change communication; TESDA, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority.

  • aSources: RPRH Implementing Rules and Regulations (2017 revision), annual accomplishment reports, key-informant interviews, and review of official documents and secondary literature.