Frequency of Health Care System Interactions per Year, by Country, Model Category, and Viral Suppression Eligibility Criterion for Differentiated Service Delivery Models for HIV Treatment

Frequency of Interactions Required per YearMalawiSouth AfricaZambia
Organization-models, No.Full Clinic Visits,a Median (Range)Other Interactions,b Median (Range)Organization-models, No.Full Clinic Visits,a Median (Range)Other Interactions,b Median (Range)Organization-models, No.Full Clinic Visits,a Median (Range)Other Interactions,b Median (Range)
Models explicitly for stable patients
Facility-based individual models
Every 2 months (6/year)140
Every 3 months (4/year)22 (2–2)2 (2–2)12482 (2–4)2 (0–2)
Every 4 months (3/year)32 (2–2)1 (1–1)
Every 6 months (2/year)32 (2–2)0 (0–0)
Out-of-facility-based individual models
Every 2 months (6/year)182 (2–2)4 (4–4)
Every 3 months (4/year)31 (0–2)4 (2–4)105132 (0–2)2 (2–4)
Health care worker-led group models
Every 2 months (6/year)102 (2–2)4 (4–4)
Every 3 months (4/year)12242 (2–4)2 (0–2)
Every 6 months (2/year)102
Client-led group models
Every 1 month (12/year)1210
Every 3 months (4/year)12262 (2–2)2 (2–2)
Every 6 months (2/year)111
Models not requiring stabilityc
Facility-based individual models
Every 1 month (12/year)60 (0–0)12 (12–12)20 (0–0)12 (12–12)20 (0–0)12 (12–12)
Every 2 months (6/year)20 (0-0)6 (6–6)
Every 3 months (4/year)104
Visits aligned to PMTCT schedule153
Out-of-facility-based individual models
Every 2 months (6/year)30 (0–0)6 (6–6)
Every 3 months (4/year)20 (0–0)4 (4–4)32 (2–2)2 (2–2)
Health care worker-led group models
Every 1 month (12/year)20 (0–0)12 (12–12)30 (0–2)12 (10–12)
Every 2 months (6/year)20 (0–0)6 (6–6)
Visits aligned to child vaccine schedule108
Not specified2
  • a A full clinic visit is a conventional facility visit that provides the services that were typical of a predifferentiation visit, generally including a consultation with a clinician, counseling, laboratory tests if scheduled, and a medication refill.

  • b Other interactions include any interaction with a provider that has been tailored for the population served, including off-site medication pickups, adherence club participation, or a clinical consultation adjusted for the population in question, including specialist consultations for certain types of patients (i.e., all interactions except conventional, undifferentiated full clinic visits).

  • c Includes models for known unsuppressed patients, high viral load clinics, pediatric clinics, and models that accept both stable and nonstable patients.