Improvements in Early Infant Diagnosis, Timely Return of Test Results, and Antiretroviral Initiation From Baseline to Endline After Implementing a Quality Improvement Collaborative Approach, Cameroon

IndicatorsBaseline Oct.
2015–Feb. 2016
Mar. 2016–Jun. 2017
Feb. 2017–Jun. 2017
Base to End
EID testingEligible HEIs who received EID DBS at <8 weeks of age, %57718224
Eligible HEIs who received EID DBS at >8 weeks of age, %422920−22
Return of test resultsHEIs tested who were identified as HIV infected, %2642
All HEIs tested whose EID DBS PCR test results were documented and shared with caregiver, %18818668
Mean time from facility receiving results from laboratory to results being reported to caregiver, days1983−16
ART initiationHIV-infected infants newly initiated on ART, %33518956
  • Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; DBS, dried blood sample; EID, early infant diagnosis; HEI, HIV-exposed infant; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.