Examples of Country Achievements and Proposed Strategies to Strengthen Community Health Systems

Highlights of Recent AchievementsKey Strategies to Enhance Current Efforts
Group 1 and 2: Countries with U5MR < to 75 deaths / 1,000 live births
  • High-level commitment and government leadership to scale up PHC: national health financing strategy developed; National UHC program defined; PHC review completed (2018–2019)

  • National community health program 2019–2023

  • National health investment case developed; including community health component

  • Various CHW cadres in place, mostly funded by external resources

  • Engagement of local authorities for the management of health posts (case de santé) through local health development committee

  • Ongoing resource mobilization efforts conducted, with a great focus on external resources

  • CHW package of services defined; scale up of integrated services in most regions, including health and nutrition at the community level

  • CHIS developed and integrated into DHIS2

  • Increase domestic resources mobilization for community-based PHC by leveraging investments from local governments or other ministers (education, youth); Leverage innovative funding mechanisms: education and economic growth programs; co-financing/matching funds, trust funds with private sector

  • Implement performance-based financing based on lessons learned from the pilot program and local contexts

  • Work toward professionalizing CHWs to strengthen health systems

  • Strengthen community-based logistic management system (forecasting, procurement, quality control) as well as last-mile distribution of essential drugs

  • Scale up innovative technologies for better health management system, including information and logistics management systems

  • Enhance social accountability mechanisms (community scorecards, observatories) and citizen engagement for better planning and monitoring with local communities

  • Invest in the building and equipping health posts (case de santé) close to the communities in the deprived regions of the country

  • High-level presidential engagement to scale to community health post Ebola virus disease-crisis (2016)

  • Community health investment case completed; National community health policy developed

  • Financing gap analysis and resource mobilization, with a main focus on external funding – international aid

  • Roll-out of the national community health assistant program: training modules and tools developed; community health assistants and supervisors recruited and trained in selected regions

  • CHIS is integrated into DHIS2; Ongoing digitalization of the system to strengthen CHW performance

  • Strengthen the functionality of national coordination and governance mechanisms for PHC including community health

  • Review of national community health policy as per WHO recent guidelines

  • Build a pathway toward financial sustainability: develop clear gap analyses and financing pathways for the CHA program by leveraging domestic/ international resources, new funding sources including matching grants, co-investment with local governments as well as the private sector

  • Work with local governments and other line ministries (decentralization, social welfare, youth, education) to ensure long-term availability of community health assistant (remote and rural areas)

  • Fully integrate community-based LMIS into national LMIS and improve last-mile distribution of drugs

  • Generate evidence on innovative approaches and best financing models for the national CHW program

  • Develop referral systems with local governments and communities

  • Enhance community governance and oversight mechanisms for the community health assistant program; establish community-based monitoring and social accountability systems

Group 3: Countries with U5MR Over 75 deaths/1,000 live births
  • National health investment case developed; National community health policy developed (CHA profile harmonized)

  • National intersectoral coordination mechanism established, under the leadership of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization to support implementation of the national community health policy

  • Resource mobilization through the National Financing Agency for local collectivities; financial contribution of local collectivities through their annual investment plan

  • Implementation of the national CHA program in selected districts (mainly funded by donors): development of tools, training of CHAs

  • Engagement of community leaders and networks in decision making and monitoring enhanced through local government structures and local committees

  • Development of the CHIS (tools and modules)

  • Raise awareness on specific community health policy issues (parliament, champions)

  • Implement and expand pro-poor legislation and strategies (e.g., vouchers, community-based health insurance schemes)

  • Develop clear gap analyses and financing pathways for costed CHW programs by leveraging domestic/international resources, new funding sources including matching grants, co-investment with local governments, disease surveillance and preparedness

  • Leverage/strengthen innovative partnerships, especially with the private sector to scale up community health services

  • Work toward integrating CHWs as part of the PHC multidisciplinary team and expand quality improvement mechanisms to increase CHW performance

  • Develop and implement innovative and digital approaches to strengthen data collection and use at the community level

  • Fully integrate community needs into the logistics management systems and ensure last-mile distribution of products

  • Strengthen referral system between communities and health posts/facilities

Sierra Leone
  • High-level commitment at the presidential level for the UHC program; Review of PHC services completed

  • CHW governance structure in place; Community health investment case developed (2017)

  • Community health program review completed (2019); ongoing review and development of PHC model of care (2019-2020)

  • Free Health Care initiative with essential commodities (includes amoxicillin, oral rehydration solution-zinc)

  • Harmonization of CHW service delivery package, including the expansion of services to be provided by CHWs

  • Deployment of a large number of more than 15,000 various CHW cadres under the leadership of the government, with the support of partners

  • Review of the CHIS modules and integration into the DHIS2

  • National health financing strategies should consider CHW systems within a broader framework of financing for UHC

  • Mobilize domestic resource to support PHC services, including community health; Leverage/strengthen innovative partnerships, especially with the private sector to scale up community health services

  • Review and harmonization of the CHW profile/cadre according to recent WHO guidelines; Mapping and redeployment of CHW as per recent needs assessment and equity analyses

  • Work toward integrating CHWs as part of the PHC multidisciplinary team and expand quality improvement mechanisms

  • Better integrated community needs into national logistics management information system and strengthen local system to ensure last mile distribution of drugs

  • Develop digital approaches to strengthen data collection, analyses and use at the community level; roll out standard operating procedures for data quality

  • Establish social accountability (scorecards, observatories) and citizen engagement mechanisms with communities

  • Abbreviations: CHA, community health agent; CHIS, community health information system; CHW, community health worker; DHIS, district health information system; PHC, primary health care; U5MR, under-5 mortality rate; UHC, universal health coverage; WHO, World Health Organization.